Jean-Claude Krynicki



Publication de Jean-Claude Krynicki 

Dans le milieu industriel on est souvent confronté à des problèmes techniques, à des gestions de projets innovants à des domaines peu étudiés. Le meilleur moyen de faire avance le métier ou de susciter la réflexion de ses pairs, c'est de faire des présentations dans les conférences internationale, lieu privilégié de rencontre des spécialistes de la discipline. En France nous avons aussi la chance d'avoir une organisation de normalisation, l'AFNOR, qui sert de forum aux spécialistes et permet de publier des guides et fascicules de documentation à l'usage des professionnels. L'éclectisme est encouragé et il est possible d'apporter sa contribution dans différents domaines.
De plus, quand on a des ancêtres qui pendant des siècles ont gardé des marches de la Pologne est scruté l'horizon pour identifier ce qui s'y profilait, on garde dans sa génétique une curiosité pour l'innovation et pour ce que Kuhn nommait les changements de paradigmes. Tous ces signes avant coureurs, indices de futurs changements ou de révolution dans les mentalités.

Voici une liste des publications effectuées dans les domaines de la métrologie, de la qualité et dans d'autres secteurs d'activité; j'y ai ajouté quelques commentaires sur mes motivations de l'époque

Presentation done for the XX IMEKO World Congress; Metrology for Green Growth; September 9-14, 2012, Busan, Republic of Korea

Measurement plan for the diagnose of aquatic ecosystems 

Jean-Claude Krynicki, Alban Benoist, Damien Bouchon

Cette communication se situe dans le cadre du comité technique TC19 (Mesures environnementales)  d’IMEKO. L’objectif est de proposer une structure pour mettre en place un plan de mesures afin d’effectuer un diagnostic de bon fonctionnement d’un écosystème aquatique (que mesurer, quand et ou, quelles sont les limites d’acceptation). En théorie, il existe près de 1000 paramètres ou substances susceptibles de perturber son fonctionnement et de réduire ou supprimer la vie aquatique. Les spécifications de l’eau dépendant des structures géologiques, celles-ci sont déterminées en premier.La structure fait la différence entre les causes « naturelles » et les causes anthropogéniques avec une liste des paramètres et polluants naturels à contrôler; Les polluants anthropogéniques sont séparés en polluants industriels et pharmaceutiques. Une partie de la conférence porte sur les problèmes d’échantillonnage et d’homogénéité, en particulier pour les mesures biologiques (indice biologique global normalisé et indice macrophytique) avec un exemple de solution (Catamaran radio-contrôlé pour l’échantillonnage de masse). L’investigation se conclue par une analyse historique (bioaccumulation et sclérochronologie), des exemples de résultats, incluant la confirmation que la conductivité est un paramètre pertinent pour la surveillance en continue d’un écosystème aquatique.   


This paper is relating the effort to organize a pertinent measurement plan to analyze 2 aquatic ecosystems, a canal and a lake, where the issue is to improve the natural surviving of fishes for the benefit of local angling clubs.

The first case is a 4 century old canal, located in a castle, built from its very beginning for French king entertainment and trout rising; the issue is related to the massive introduction of new fishes every November which are disappearing during winter while trout, fishes very sensitive to pollutions, are surviving.

The second case is a more recent lake dedicated to fly fishing, where the issue is quite the opposite:  introduction of trout is resulting, after a month, into a complete disappearance of these fishes while other alien species are still alive with a good reproduction rate. In both case there is no trace of dead bodies or other visual evidences of the changes.

The measurement plan is considering over 1000 different parameters that may explain the lethal for life situation of aquatic ecosystems and is creating a typology and hierarchy of these parameters to build a measurement sequence.

A set of abiotic specifications was created with a scale compared to Nisbet & Verneaux abiotic inventory of French lakes and rivers.

The paper will cover the different techniques used for that purpose and what we have learned to obtain reliable results for physical measurements (flow, laminar flow, volume and water renewal rate, temperature etc…), abiotic (pH, redox, conductivity, hardness, dissolved gas etc…), biotic index, and comparison to biological history (sclerochronology ).

The presentation will show several tools we have developed for mass sampling, continuous surveillance and GPS driven measurements.

The conclusion will show the need for a systemic approach to integrate all these measurements into a consistent model for overall behavior and productivity prediction.


Keywords: ecosystem, aquatic, productivity.

Presentation done for the NCSLI Congress 2010 (Providence, USA, July 2010)

The measurement of an ecosystem, a case study

Abstract :
The objective of this presentation is to explain what is the difference between classical measurements performed within the controlled environment of a laboratory and the measurement done to qualify an overall ecosystem.
The example taken is a 400 years old 1 km long canal where the issue is to understand why the population of fishes is declining over years and which measurable parameter(s) could explain this situation.
The process will define the limits and conditions favourable or lethal for life (the ecosystem specifications); then, a measurement plan will be implemented, from the easiest parameters (pH, RH, temperature ..) to the most complicated ones such as diluted gas, sediments content and maximum variations over the seasons (environmental conditions).
The investigation will also cover the contribution of vivid elements to the equilibrium of the ecosystem.
The conclusion will review the analytical techniques to extract the most significant influence parameters and the statistical tools for ecosystem surveillance.

Commentaire :
Cette publication fait suite à une étude de cas pratique qui devrait se dérouler sur une période de 3 ans; le problème est de distinguer, parmi quelques 250 paramètres potentiels, ceux qui ont une influence sur la vie halieutique. A l'origine je pensais trouver dans la littérature un modèle complet de fonctionnement d'un écosystème rendant compte des équilibres chimiques et biologiques. Il semble que ce type de modèle n'existe pas, pas plus que des spécifications létales pour le phytoplancton, le zooplancton et des diverses variétés de poissons d'eau douce français. En fonction de la température la productivité d'un écosystème peut varier d'un facteur 10 ou plus autour d'une valeur optimale, souvent inconnue. En terme de modèle on se trouve proches des simulations de l'économétrie. L'option prise a été d'identifier les situations "normales" et "exceptionnelles" pour expliquer ce qui a pu changer au cours du siècle d'existence de cet écosystème, et de procéder à de nombreuses séries de mesures locales et différentielles complémentaires. La Directive Européenne sur l'eau (2000-2015), avec les multiples recherches associées, devrait permettre compléter ce type de projet; en effet, si les recherches se sont concentrées, dans un premier temps, sur le petit cycle de l'eau (état sanitaire de l'eau du robinet, des eaux de baignade douces et salées) et ses conséquences sur l'homme; l'évolution s'oriente vers les conséquences générales sur la faune et la flore comme l'effet des contraceptifs métabolisés sur les changements de sexe des gardons, des psychotropes sur la vigilance du zooplancton etc... même si les quantités présentes dans l'eau n'ont aucun effet sur l'être humain.
Les 15 chapitres qui constituent cette communication ont fait l'objet d'une traduction sur la page d'un autre site avec des exemples de résultats, d'équipements utilisés, d'observations pratiques et de références à des ouvrages et articles ayant servi à la construction de cette étude..

Presentation done for Métrologie 2009 (Paris, France, 22-25 June 2009)

La norme ANSI/NCSL Z540.3 et le risque client de 2%

The ANSI/NCSL Z540.3 standard and the 2% customer risk

La norme ANSI/NCSL Z540 est peu connue en Europe, elle représente pourtant la plus importante référence en Amérique du Nord, régissant les relations contractuelles des fournisseurs de la Défense. Elle est aussi la norme métrologique la plus ancienne, sa première version, Mil Std 45662A, fut éditée dans les années soixante.
L'objectif de cette présentation est de montrer plusieurs dispositifs originaux de la norme, tels que l’indice de fiabilité du parc d’instruments, le calcul du cycle de calibrage pour réaliser cet objectif et le rapport de confiance permettant d’identifier les mesures à risque lors de la vérification des équipements de mesure.
Plus récemment, tous les métrologues et statisticiens nord-américains se sont focalisés sur la version ANSI/NCSLI Z54.3 qui, pour la première fois, a exigé un risque client d'acceptation maximum de 2%, lors du processus de confirmation métrologique.
Cette communication a pour objet de présenter l'intention des concepteurs de cette norme, plusieurs méthodes pour gérer ce risque de 2% en utilisant des techniques modernes telles que des calculs d'incertitude bayésiens et les simulations de Monte Carlo.
En conclusion l'auteur présentera comment Agilent Technologies a intégré cette exigence dans ses pratiques métrologiques et comment ce concept pourrait être transformé en un risque de 2% pendant la durée d’utilisation de l'équipement.

The ANSI/NCSL Z540 standard is not very well known in Europe, it is, however, one of the most important reference for North America, governing the contractual relationships of the Department of Defence suppliers. This is also one of the oldest metrology standards, as its previous version, the Mil Std 45662A was created in the sixties.
The objective of this presentation is to show several original features of the standard, such as the reliability target of the equipment park, the calculation of the calibration cycle to achieve this objective and the Test Uncertainty Ratio allowing to identify the measurements at risk during the maintenance of reference equipment.
More recently, all North American metrologists and statisticians were concentrated on the ANSI/NCSL Z54.3 version which, for the first time, has introduced a maximum 2% false acceptance risk for the customer during the metrology confirmation process.
The paper will present the intent of the standard designers, several techniques to achieve this 2% risk using modern techniques such as Bayesian uncertainty calculations and Monte Carlo simulations.
As a conclusion the author will present how Agilent Technologies has integrated this requirement within its metrology practices and how this concept could be extended to a 2% risk during the overall usage of the equipment.

Presentation done for the XIX IMEKO World Congress Fundamental and Applied Metrology September 6 – 11, 2009, Lisbon, Portugal

Customer satisfaction surveys: a simplified method to create a leverage index using qualitative data

When analyzing customer satisfaction data it is very often requested for the metrologist to provide a leverage index in order to identify which attribute of the product or service (predictor) needs to be improved to increase the satisfaction level (dependant variable).
This is usually done by the means of a questionnaire with many items each covering an attribute and performing a quantitative analysis using partial least square, Theil’s index or neural networks.
In practice it is observed that long questionnaires give very few responses (5-10%). Shorter questionnaires are poor in information but increase drastically the response rate (20 to 40%) and more interestingly the customer comments are quite systematic (up to 90% of opened questions are documented).
Facing such behavior leads to the question of creating a leverage index out of qualitative data.
This paper will present a method to categorize the verbatim in such a way that a numeric contribution of product or service attributes can be measured.

Presentation done for the NCSLI Congress 2009 (San Antonio, Texas July 2009)

Technical schedule for measuring equipment: the  AFNOR FD X 07 025 guidelines

In the industry, the periodic verification of measuring equipment is replacing the traditional calibration, providing a statement of conformity, sometimes without any data report.
When the equipment is shared between multiple users, the choice of measurement points and their representativeness are becoming critical parameters to ensure this instrument is suitable for use.
The metrology standards, and more specifically ISO 17025, require the usage of standard calibration schedules, which do not exist in many domains.
This conference is providing the inventory of the issues linked to the choice of measurement parameters and points for metrology confirmation and measurement confidence, using mainly examples from electrical test equipment.
The presenter, first project manager of the AFNOR FDX 07 025 will show how this guideline, recently published, try to answer to these questions.
This document is the result of a 10 years effort from experts of the industry, French NMI (LNE) and the National accreditation body (COFRAC).

2 guides were already published:
AFNOR FD X 07 025: Metrology - Technical programme for measurement equipment verification
- Part 1: General principles - General and common approach for elaborating a technical programme for verification.
- Part 2: Electricity / Magnetism and time/frequency fields
12 other are under construction to cover the 320 sub families of equipment identified within this project.
As a conclusion, the author will show how the NCSLI RP 5 - Instrument Specifications - and this initiative can complement together.

Presentation done for the SSPA Technology Service Europe 2009 Barcelona 1-3 April 2009

Integrating the customer voice of a European service network into the company improvement process - A case study.

The objective of this paper is to present the result of several years of efforts to integrate customer voice into the improvement process of a multi national service company.
Agilent technologies is the leader of electronic instrumentation and its main service, bringing back instruments to their original manufacturer specifications (calibration), is quite an intangible service delivery.
Therefore the customer satisfaction measurement is a fundamental element to make sure that the service fits customer expectation, and that service quality as perceived by the professionals is in phase with customer perception.
The presentation will show the process used to extract the data from the company ERP and CRM and perform the survey, the process to improve the response rate and the tools implemented to analyse, review and improve the results.
The speaker will show what he has learned about European sociology and the factors influencing satisfaction according to the European cultures.

Presentation done for the Second International Metrology Conference of Africa - CAFMET 2008 (April 2008) - Tunis (Tunisia)

Métrologie de l'immatériel: état des lieux

En dehors des mesures physiques, chimiques et biologiques il existe un vaste domaine de mesures sans dimensions, qui n’utilisent pas d’étalons raccordés au système international d’unités.
Certaines de ces mesures, comme celles liées à la perception humaine, peuvent faire l’objet de validations à l’aide de processus expérimentaux classiques.
D’autres qui utilisent des questionnaires auto-administrés ou des évaluations statistiques sont validées par leurs possibilités prédictives.
L’objectif de cette communication est de présenter un inventaire le plus exhaustif possible de ce domaine et de mettre en évidence les problèmes liés aux méthodes de mesure et de présenter les recherches en cours pour l’amélioration de leur fiabilité.
A travers l’exemple de la mesure de la satisfaction des clients l’auteur présentera l’évolution des outils d’analyse statistiques pour prendre en compte les biais liés à la linéarité et aux co-variations des nombreux facteur prédictifs de la loyauté des clients :
- la régression PLS (partial least square)
- l’indice de Theil
- les réseaux de neurones

Presentation done for the NCSLI (July 2007) - Saint Paul, Minnesota (USA)

The French metrology training and education system.

This paper is presenting the metrology training and education system available in France where the BIPM is located.
- within an engineering school provide an education degree
- within the university as a master addressing also other topics such as quality
- from professional or regional organizations giving seminars and specific training such as the Collège Français de Métrologie and the French Standardization Body AFNOR.
The presentation will provide examples and typical metrology curriculum
The author, expert at the Brussels Commission, will conclude with examples of the Specific Support Action (SSA) tool created to disseminate knowledge within emerging fields of metrology in Europe .

Présentation faite pour le congrès international Métrologie 2007 (Juin 2007) Lille France

Vers une industrialisation des calculs d’incertitude

Toward an industrial approach of uncertainty calculation
Le calcul de l’incertitude de mesure, après une vingtaine d’années d’efforts normatifs, a atteint son seuil de maturité. Historiquement, les grandes étapes en furent, en 1980, la recommandation INC-1 du BIPM qui fixait la méthode, la publication du GUM en 1992, puis la mise en forme d’exemples de calculs pratiques par EA, avec le guide EA 4-02 en 1999 et de nombreux documents complémentaires comme le fascicule AFNOR FDX 07-022.
Une phase d’apprentissage était nécessaire pour familiariser les métrologues à ces nouvelles méthodes, c’est la raison pour laquelle une approche » artisanale » était acceptable.
Pour les sociétés chargées de la maintenance périodique des équipements de mesure, ce changement de méthode pose la question du retour sur investissement d’un tel effort d’ingénierie dans un environnement de faible volume et de grande diversité.
Le nombre de modèles d’équipements en activité dans les entreprises est estimé à 60 000 et la mise aux normes de 15 à 70 années-homme.
Dans ce contexte il est légitime d’aborder la question de l’industrialisation des calculs, en partant de la constatation que de nouveaux langages de programmation, comme le XML sont apparus et que des outils de calculs sont disponibles.
L’objectif de cette présentation est de faire un bilan des voies possibles de développement.
- Initiatives récentes pour codifier les données de mesure
- Classification des équipements en familles, sous-familles, fonctions et spécifications
- Recherche d’une formule globale et générique de calcul d’incertitude
- Mise en œuvre du calcul d’incertitude à l’aide d’équations de mesure intégrées dans la plate-forme logiciel de pilotage de l’instrument
- Approche par systèmes de mesure polyvalents
- Comparaison avec d’autres secteurs, comme l’ingénierie du bâtiment, qui ont depuis longtemps trouvé des solutions pour des questions similaires
L’auteur, participant à plusieurs projets dans ce domaine, fera part de son expérience.


The uncertainty calculation, after 20 years of normative efforts, has reached its maturity level. The main historical steps were, in 1980, the recommendation INC-1 from BIPM defining the method, the publication of the GUM in 1992, then the design of practical calculations by European Accreditation with EA 4-02 in 1999 and the issue of other guides such as the AFNOR FDX 07-022.A training phase was necessary to support the effort of metrologists in front of these new methods. This is the reason why a manual and educational approach was acceptable.For the companies in charge of measuring equipment calibration, this type of manual approach raises the question of the return on investment in a high mix low volume environment.
The number of models used in the industry is estimated around 60 000 and the engineering effort is between 15 and 70 men year.In front of such challenge, it is normal to raise the question of industrial production of uncertainty calculation. This idea is supported by the availability of new languages such as XML and of new computer based tools.
The objective of this presentation is to provide an overview of possible tactics:
- New initiatives for codification of measurement data
- Classification of measuring equipment into families, sub families, functions and specifications
- Research of a global and generic formula of uncertainty calculation
- Embedded uncertainty formula within the calibration software platform
- Benchmark with other industry sector like building engineering where similar issues has been resolved a long time ago
The author, project manager in this area, will share his experience of calculation center and data management center design.

Presentation done for the XVIII IMEKO WORLD CONGRESS Metrology for a Sustainable Development September, 17 – 22, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Introduction to “Soft” metrology

XVIII IMEKO WORLD CONGRESS Metrology for a Sustainable Development September, 17 – 22, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Outside of the classical physical and chemical metrologies, there is a large field of measurement, which is called dimensionless or “soft “ metrology by analogy with hard and soft sciences.The objective of this presentation is to provide an overview of this field, to analyze the methods used and their linkage to classical metrology. The author will take 3 examples, an historical one, the measurement of human character, and two modern research fields, software usability and customer satisfaction. He will also show the recent efforts from the European Commission, as part of the New Emerging Sciences and Technologies program (N.E.S.T.), to increase the objectivity of these measurements.

Presentation done for the NCSLI Congress 2005 Washington

The six sigma method and the theory of constraints: two tools to optimise the metrology process for industry.

Jean-Claude Krynicki Global Voice of the Customer Program Manager - Philippe Roussel System Uptime Support Manager

The six sigma methodology is mainly used to improve production processes within a high volume, low mix environment. The metrology service centre is dealing with low volume, high mix operations. The main challenge for a metrology service provider is to deal with waiting queues to optimise the equipment down time. Another technique, coming from the theory of constraints, is very efficient to manage such planning of technical operations.
With a combination of these two techniques it is possible to improve the overall service quality.
This paper is the result of 10 years of experience in production management. After a synthetic presentation of the two methods, their advantages and limitations, the authors are showing some examples of implementation. They are presenting the changes for the work organisation and for the design of computer applications to support these processes (capability and capacity management, ERP, CRM) with examples of management dashboards.

Presentation done for the congress Métrologie 2005 - Lyon France

Un exemple de métrologie "molle": la mesure de la satisfaction des clients


La version 2000 de la norme ISO 9001, dans le prolongement des exigences de la version 1994, considère la mesure de la satisfaction des clients comme une partie intégrante de la métrologie.
L’objectif de cette communication est de définir quelles sont les attentes liées à cette mesure, de préciser la terminologie (satisfaction, attente, perception, loyauté), la méthodologie (du questionnaire sans validation aux modèles issus de la recherche opérationnelle – A.C.S.I., E.C.S.I.), et les sources documentaires pour bâtir un outil de mesure.
Le conférencier qui a participé à la rédaction du guide AFNOR FDX 07-050 ; Métrologie immatérielle - Mesure de l’attendu et du perçu - présentera les outils qu’il utilise dans le cadre d’un programme mondial de mesure de la satisfaction des clients.

The version 2000 of the ISO 9001 standard, following the requirements of the 1994 issue, is considering customer satisfaction measurement as an integral part of metrology.This new field of activity is called metrology of immateriality or “soft” metrology.
The objective of this presentation is to define the expectations linked to this measurement, to specify the terminology (customer satisfaction, expectation, perception, loyalty), to present the measurement method (from the invalidated questionnaire to the operational research models – A.C.S.I., E.C.S.I.), and the documentation resources.
The author who has participated to the guide AFNOR FDX 07-050 ; Metrology of immateriality – Measurement of expectation and perception – will present the tools he is using as part of a world wide program to measure customer satisfaction.

Presentation done for the NCSLI Congress 2004 Tampa, Florida USA

How much does it cost to play with calibration cycle extension?

Jean-Claude Krynicki European Quality and Metrology Program Manager

Abstract :
The starting point for a calibration cycle extension study is very often a financial motivation and the gains on the maintenance of reference equipment are quite immediately visible and easy to calculate.
It is usually mentioned in the abundant literature concerning this topic that calibration cycle management is a trade off between maintenance cost and other factors less tangible like product quality, measurement integrity, company image, customer satisfaction and recall costs.
The objective of this paper is to present a financial simulation to really quantify this trade off using the concept of Cost to Obtain Quality (COQ) and based on the experience of a large scale asset optimisation project.
Several solutions recently deployed in the industry to quantify this trade off will be also presented.

Presentation done for the congress of Metrology South Africa 6-7 September 2004

Managing an European network of calibration laboratories : metrology, quality and cultural challenge

Jean-Claude Krynicki

This paper is presenting the challenges associated with the standardization of practices in a network of calibration laboratories operating in different countries.The aim of this network is to provide the same level of support for all customers, using the centre of expertise concept.For an optimum result, the metrology and quality processes have to be aligned while keeping into account specific customer needs due to cultural differences.After a review of the constraints associated with this kind of structure, the author will present the quality system deployment according to ISO 9001-2000 and ISO 17025 requirements.For the metrology part the presentation will address the issues of best measurement practices standardization, calibration procedure deployment in a high mix, low volume context.The importance of information technologies will be shown as well as the need for a calculation and a data management centre. The presentation will be illustrated with some examples of services and performances this network allows to deliver.

Presentation done for the congress Réunion des adhérents de l'AFNOR La Défense - Paris 2003 - France

La qualité du service après vente d’un fabricant d’appareils de mesure

Cet article présente le mode de fonctionnement d’une société de service assurant la maintenance d'un fournisseur multinational d'appareils de mesure. Les questions abordées reflètent les besoins des clients qui utilisent les équipements de mesure et de test dans le domaine de l'électronique.
Certains de ces problèmes sont liés à la nature spécifique de ces instruments :
- multiparamètres (30 à 2000 points à mesurer durant chaque vérification périodique),
- caractéristiques proches des meilleures possibilités de mesure,
- combinaison des techniques classiques de mesure et de processus informatiques sophistiqués pour traduire les données brutes dans un format exploitable pour une application donnée,
- changements rapides de conception et évolution pour faire face aux enjeux de la technologie (exemple : les télécommunications)
- utilisation intensive (24 x 7) et fortes contraintes pour optimiser à la fois la durée de fonctionnement et les coûts.
Ces conditions sont le reflet de l’évolution de la métrologie et, si le cas peut paraître extrême, les solutions mises en œuvre pour adapter l’entreprise à son marché peuvent servir d’exemple à la métrologie dans son ensemble.

Presentation done for the congress Métrologie 2003 - Toulon, France

Spécifications pour un format d'échange de données métrologiques - Metrology data exchange format specifications

Jean-Claude Krynicki - Stéphane Potelle
Agilent Technologies

Depuis sa création, la métrologie a mis en place un système cohérent d’unités et une normalisation pour la présentation des résultats de mesure afin de faciliter la reconnaissance internationale des certificats d’étalonnage. Un élément fait défaut à la cohérence de cet édifice : la standardisation des échanges de données de mesure. Et ceci malgré l’arrivée de la transmission électronique des informations, l’augmentation des données de mesures pour la même opération, et le besoin d’exploitation de ces résultats pour réduire les incertitudes. D’autres domaines d’activité beaucoup plus récents ont su tirer partie de l’avantage de la révolution de la communication électronique, comme la bureautique (format RTF) le graphisme (format OBJ), en s’affranchissant des systèmes propriétaires ou en créant des passerelles entre les applications. Cette présentation fait suite à un travail d’investigation pour la commission Métrologie dans l’Entreprise de l’AFNOR. Elle est le fruit d’une réflexion entre un métrologue et un spécialiste du développement des plates-formes logicielles de test. L’objectif est de présenter, du point de vue de l’utilisateur, quel système idéal pourrait répondre aux besoins de traitement de données, et quelles sont les pistes de développement possibles. Quelques initiatives dans ce domaine seront comparées à ces spécifications.


Since its very beginning, metrology has put in place a coherent unit system and the appropriate standardization for the presentation of measurement results to facilitate international recognition of calibration certificates.
One element is missing within the structure of this construction : the standardization of measurement reports data exchange format. And this despite the apparition of data transmission on electronic format, the increasing amount of calibration data for the same event, and the rising need to manage these data to reduce measurement uncertainties.
Other more recent fields of activity successfully managed the benefits of electronic communication, like office computing (RTF format), graphical design (OBJ format). They have eliminated the proprietary systems or they have created interfaces between applications. This presentation if following an investigation work for AFNOR as part of Metrology in the Company committee. This is the outcome of exchanges between a metrologist and a specialist of Test software platforms development .
The objective is to present which ideal system would answer to the need for data treatment from the user perspective, and what are the possible development orientations. Several on going initiatives will be compared to these specifications.

Presentation for NCSL 2003 (August - Tampa – Florida ); with Stéphane Potelle

Specification of a common result format

Abstract :
Compared to other fields of activities, metrology did not take full advantage of the communication revolution. Despite the consistency of the SI unit system, the coherence of measured parameters, all described by a dimensional equation, there is no common results format allowing universal data exchanges between members of the metrology community. More recent techniques were able to create such communication standards like RTF (Rich Text Format), for the exchange of word processor files and TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) for the transfer of images between applications.

Presentation for NCSL 2003 (August - Tampa – Florida )

Soft metrology : a progress review

Abstract :
The new version of ISO 9000 as well as ISO 9000-4 consider customer satisfaction surveys as an integral part of metrology. This new extension of our field of expertise is called dimensionless or “soft” metrology .
This paper is a progress review showing the model of customer satisfaction index coming from operational researches and the efforts of standardization bodies to create guideline documents and the elements we already own to improve the method and assess the measurement uncertainty.
The review will present recent proposals for “hedonistic” and “customer perception” measurements. The difference between business to business and business to consumer environment will be developed.

Presentation done for the SisQual 2002 Congress ( Paris – June 2002)

The Metrology day : which metrology within the frame of ISO 9001?
The experience of a European Group in the field of measurement

Presentation of the Agilent European Support Network
What is specific to the measurement performed in electricity and electronic ?
User expectations
World wide standardization mapping
ISO 9000-2000 and other sector norms
Metrology competence network logic
Attributes of quality within metrology
The advantages of a Pan European certification
Center of interest of ISO 9000-2000 concerning metrology
Metrology of customer satisfaction
Examples of future new services

Presentation done for the Rabat Metrology Congress 2002 ( Morocco – 04/2002)

The industrial challenges of measurement equipment management

What is a measurement equipment and which one needs to be calibrated (based on AFNOR FDX 07 013). The customer – supplier relationship (based on AFNOR FDX 07 019). Usage aptitude of a measurement equipment. What is a validated measurement procedure (based on ISO 17025)
The challenge of measurement uncertainty calculation (based on the GUM and ISO 5725)
Periodic calibration and cal cycle management (based on AFNOR FDX 07 014)
Demonstrating traceability
Value added metrology

Lecture done for the Development Institute International ( Paris – March 2002)

How to choose between internal and outsourced metrology ?


Why is it necessary to calibrate periodically the measuring equipment ? A model to evaluate the internal or external sub contractors. The attributes of a periodic maintenance operation. Example of an evaluation scale .

Presentation done for the Bucharest Metrology Congress 2001 Romania

New challenges to manage electronical measuring equipment within an European support network


After an overview of quality and metrology standards trends, this paper will address the specific challenges associated with electronical equipment. The progresses of technology and the intensive usage of these tools in the industry are creating new needs and some "hot topics" within the metrology community.

Some of the solutions under implementation to face these challenges will be presented as well as the network structure designed to offer the same level of support in all countries where users of these measuring equipment are operating

Presentation done for the French International Metrology Congress 2001 ( Saint Louis – 10/2001)

The 13 blocking obstacles for the deployment of the accredited calibration of shop floor electronical equipment within the frame of an European Network


In the field of electronical measurement, accreditation was originally focussed on the metrology of standards and on the best measurement capabilities of the company. The deployment of accredited measurements for shop floor level type of equipment is facing many obstacles, both technical and economical.This paper is presenting an inventory of these obstacles and is suggesting some solutions to improve the situation.It proposes a comparative evaluation of European practices; the objective is the unification of methods to optimise the laboratory network of a multinational company.

Presentation done for the NCSL 2000 Toronto, Canada August 2000

Soft Metrology

 The new version of ISO 9000 as well as ISO 9000-4 are considering customer satisfaction survey as an integral part of metrology. This new extension of our field of expertise is called dimensionless or "soft" metrology .
The result of satisfaction surveys is a main indicator of business success and a delicate result to interpret.
This paper is presenting the difference of behaviour between a human being and the classical device under test we calibrate in our standard laboratories.
Using some examples of satisfaction surveys performed in a multinational company dealing with calibration activities, it provides the typical uncertainty contributors to assess the results.

Presentation done for the Metrology congress Jerusalem, Israel May 2000

Hot topics in the management of metrology instrumentation

Presentation done for the NCSL 99 (August 1999)

Metrology, economy and quality

 Content :

For commercial activities, consumer producer - risk management was traditionally a practical way to get a realistic metrology agreement at a reasonable price. During the last years new practices for tolerance testing were introduced :

- GPS (Geometrical Product Specification) which objective is to maintain metrology consistency within the product cycle.

- new revision of ISO CEI 25 (ISO 17025) which objective is to impose common rules for product acceptance in the regulation context.

- revision of European accredited calibration laboratories practices (most of these laboratories were not allowed to provide a conformity statement on their certificates).

- new discrimination between calibration and verification and associated acceptance criteria As a consequence, process oriented metrology and producer-consumer agreement practices are declining.

This paper is presenting a summary of these new requirements and an analysis of the potential impact in the electrical domain where the measuring equipment are more complex than the model used to build these new standards (multiple functions, numerous specifications, technologies allowing measurement close to best capabilities...).

What is the real metrology risk ? What is the value of arguments like : risk management is based on ideal situation (take account of distribution, of bias)? Is it possible to use risk propagation instead of uncertainty propagation within the traceability chain ? What is the cost associated with these stringent requirements ? These are some of the questions analyzed by this paper, taking as an example a calibration service center where more than 10 000 statements of conformity are issued per year.

Presentation done for the French International Metrology Congress 1999, Bordeaux - France (18-21 October 1999)

Programme technique de vérification / étalonnage des instruments de mesure

Technical calibration schedule for measuring equipment
Dans l'industrie, la vérification périodique des équipements de mesure tend à remplacer l'étalonnage, parfois sans relevé des points contrôlés. Les utilisateurs, souvent multiples, du même équipement souhaitent maintenir les spécifications constructeurs tout au long de son cycle de vie.
Face à cette situation, le choix des points de mesure et leur représentativité deviennent des paramètres critiques. La normalisation, et en particulier l'ISO 17025, réclament l'utilisation de programmes standardisés qui dans beaucoup de domaines n'existent pas. Cette conférence fait l'inventaire des problèmes liés à la représentativité des programmes de vérification à l'aide d'exemples principalement issus de l'instrumentation électronique. Elle informe des travaux en cours du groupe de travail AFNOR consacré à ce sujet.
In the industry, the periodic verification of measuring equipment is replacing the calibration, sometimes without data report.The users of the same equipment, sometimes multiple, are looking for the maintenance of manufacturer specifications along the life cycle of the product.In this situation, the choice of measurement points and their representativity, are becoming critical parameters.The standardization, and more specifically ISO 17025, requires the usage of standard calibration schedules which do not exist in many domains. This conference is providing the inventory of the problems linked to the representativity of measuring points, using mainly examples from eletronical test equipment. It informs on the current work of the AFNOR working group concerning this subject.

Presentation done for the French Normalization body AFNOR 1999, Paris - France (3 June 1999)

Les Relations Client / Fournisseurs en métrologie:
Présentation du futur fascicule de documentation FD X 07-025 sur les programmes techniques de vérification des équipements de mesure.

Presentation done for the NCSL 1998 - USA (August 1998)

Are new tolerance testing standards adapted to electrical measurements?

For commercial activities, consumer producer - risk management was traditionally a practical way to get a realistic metrology agreement at a reasonable price. During the last years new practices for tolerance testing were introduced :

- GPS (Geometrical Product Specification) which objective is to maintain metrology consistency within the product cycle.

- new revision of ISO CEI 25 (ISO 17025) which objective is to impose common rules for product acceptance in the regulation context.

- revision of European accredited calibration laboratories practices (most of these laboratories were not allowed to provide a conformity statement on their certificates).

- new discrimination between calibration and verification and associated acceptance criteria As a consequence, process oriented metrology and producer-consumer agreement practices are declining.

This paper is presenting a summary of these new requirements and an analysis of the potential impact in the electrical domain where the measuring equipment are more complex than the model used to build these new standards (multiple functions, numerous specifications, technologies allowing measurement close to best capabilities...).

What is the real metrology risk ? What is the value of arguments like : risk management is based on ideal situation (take account of distribution, of bias)? Is it possible to use risk propagation instead of uncertainty propagation within the traceability chain ? What is the cost associated with these stringent requirements ?

These are some of the questions analyzed by this paper, taking as an example a calibration service center where more than 10 000 statements of conformity are issued per year.

Presentation done for the Métrologie 1997 - Besançon, France (1997)

Métrologie, Economie et Qualité

Les industriels subissent actuellement une forte pression pour réduire leurs coûts de production. La métrologie n'échappe pas a 1'analyse critique des gestionnaires qui réclament une démonstration de la pertinence des opérations métrologiques et une preuve que tout a été mis en oeuvre.pour en optimiser les coûts.

Ce document présente un panorama de la situation et des exemples de méthodes, souvent empruntées an domaine qualité, mises en oeuvre dans les entreprises pour repondre a ces exigences et pour faire cohabiter de maniere rationnelle métrologie, économie et qualité.

Presentation done for the NCSL 1997 - Atlanta, USA (July 1997)

Personal productivity tools for the metrologist of the 3rd millenium

During the last decade, the metrologist, the QA manager and the metrology consultant have been dealing with a strong pressure in cost reduction and productivity improvement within an expanding scope of expertise. Their activity has moved from a planified sedentary job with clerical support to an opportunistic, mobile and solitary activity.

During the same period, the personal computer revolution has provided new tools for documentation management, task automation and easy access to up-to-date information.

This paper is a presentation, through a personal example (a metrologist involved in standard writing, customer support, consulting and auditing) on how to take advantage of available computer features: how to create a personal knowledge database for expertise improvement; how to build a customized toolbox to reduce low value added tasks.... In other words, how to sustain productivity increase while maintaining work-life balance.

Présentation pour Hyper 97 - Paris, France (Janvier 1997)

Métrologie et Qualité

Presentation done for the NCSL 1996 - Monterey, California - USA (August 1996)

Calibration & Verification Schedule

Jean Claude Krynicki
Les Ulis Cedex, France
Most of Measurement & Test Equipment users want to pay an optimum for the calibration and verification of their references (i.e., requiring "calibration lite" services) while maintaining confidence in the overall specifications of the equipment.
An overview of the main concepts and techniques used to select the representative calibration points is presented in this paper.
An example of process oriented metrology in a production line is also described. It shows how the verification and calibration schedule can be linked systematically to the final product specifications.

Présentation pour les rendez-vous de l'AFNOR Normalisation en métrologie 1996 - Paris - France (Juin 1996)

L'utilisation et la conservation des résultats de mesure

Presentation done for the NCSL 1995 - Dallas - USA (July 1995)

The accreditation system in Europe : COFRAC Calibration Section, the French example

This paper describes the global accreditation system created in Europe during the EC constitution, which allows mutual recognition of calibration certificates based on technical validation and quality assurance programs. The example of French system is detailed; originally created as BNM (Bureau National de la Metrologie) in 1969, now integrated in a larger accreditation structure (COFRAC, Calibration Section), it controls 250 standard laboratories. The paper presents the organization, the accreditation process, the technical and quality requirements. It also describes the control process through MAPs and audits and the guides issued by the accreditation body to support the laboratories in their implementation project.

Présentation suivie d'une conférence de Roland Collay sur le BNM

Presentation done for the Métrologie 1995 congress -

La norme Mil Std 45662A : un référentiel pour la maîtrise des moyens de mesure, intermédiaire entre l'accréditation du laboratoire de métrologie et la certification ISO 9000.

MIL STD 45662A : a calibration management standard between laboratory accreditation and ISO 9000 certification.

Authors : Jean-Claude Krynicki Hewlett-Packard France

Patrick Reposeur COFRAC Section Etalonnage

Pour une entreprise,l'utilisation exclusive de mesures accréditées représente un investissement temporel et économique considérable. Le référentiel Mil Std 45662A constitue une alternative intéressante dans la recherche d'une solution couvrant la validation technique et les exigences d'assurance qualité dans un rapport qualité prix réaliste. Depuis 1980, le Département de la défense de Etats Unis d'Amérique (DOD) a mis au point une norme de gestion des moyens de mesure pour le contrôle de ses fournisseurs. Ce référentiel, adopté par plus de 1000 entreprises, est fondé sur le concept de risque client- fournisseur et sur un indice de fiabilité du parc des références. Cette conférence décrit les originalités de cette norme et illustre son application par quelques contributions significatives que 15 ans de pratique ont permis de développer.

Accreditation of all measurements in a company, represents a huge amount of work and cost. The Mil Std 45662A is an interesting alternative in search of technical validation and quality assurance requirements coverage, within a realistic quality cost frame. Since 1980 the US Department of Defense (DOD) has developed an M&TE management standard to control its suppliers. This standard, adopted by more than 1000 companies, is built around the concept of consumer-producer risk and reliability target of references. This paper describes the original aspects of this standard and some of the significative contributions developed during 15 years of practice.


De gauche à droite : Mr Giacomo, Directeur du Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), Patrick Reposeur, Directeur du Fretac Section Etalonnage, Jean-Claude Krynicki Responsable Qualité-Métrologie Hewlett-Packard France

Presentation done for the Métrologie 1993 congress - Lille - France

L'apport des commissions métrologiques de l'AFNOR au développement industriel. Le cas d'un constructeur d'appareils de mesure

Authors : Jean-Claude Krynicki Hewlett-Packard France
Jean-Yves Cloarec AFNOR

Presentation done for the NCSL 1992 - Washington DC - USA (August 1992)

Automated Frequency Traceability

The main objective of a standard lab is to maintain traceability through an unbroken chain of references. This activity requires a lot of efforts to compare references at each step of the chain and to compute datas in order to achieve measurement integrity.
Automating the traceability operations would be a major gain of productivity. This is possible in time and frequency domain where references comparison is much easier. This paper describes a system implemented in an accredited standard laboratory to control the link from national lab to end user.
A cesium beam standard is daily compared to National references through a TV remote comparison. A 10 MHz reference is then distributed to end users through an optical network.
This fully automated system permits to place the traceability chain under quality control with a minimum of human intervention.

Presentation done for the Mesucora 1991 - Paris (18 novembre 1991)

Gestion informatique des informations sur la qualité

Presentation done for the Forum Mesure 1990 - Paris (21 Septembre 1990)

L'ISO 9002 dans un service de maintenance

Presentation done for the NCSL 1990 - Washington DC - USA (August 1990)


In order to reduce non-quality costs and to increase the partnership between suppliers and sub contractors, there is a consensus in the european community (EEC) to use ISO 900X Quality system as the industrial reference for 1998.

For Test & Measurement companies this system is connected to the metrological accreditation structure which is also described in this paper.

Through the example of a Test and Measurement repair center, the main items to be implemented are analyzed as well as cost and implementation planning.

Commentaires :

Observations magnétiques - Port Alfred (Ile de Crozet) - 1974 pour le compte de l'Institut de Physique du Globe. Une aventure scientifique et humaine (14 mois sur une île avec 28 volontaires et deux bateaux de ravitaillement par an). Mesures du champ magnétique terrestre (fonction de "Magne") et de rayonnement du ciel nocturne (fonction de "Cinoc").

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